Tuesday, November 26, 2013

How to Classified Radio Programs

 How to Classified Radio Programs

 Radio and Television are based on major three categories programmes. Radio broadcasting ever since its birth has kept growing in terms of its programmes, policies and target areas in order to meet the requirements of its listeners and ever changing demands of the time. Following diagram shows the programmes classification in both medias:-
 Radio programmes can be classified on the basis of various criteria. However, the broad classification of programmes is made on the following basis:
 Aims of programme Audiences of the programme Formats of the programmes
 Under this approach programmes are classified in accordance with the overall aims conceived by the planner. This classification comprises entertainment programme, information programme, educative programmes or social purpose programmes.
  Radio programmes can also be classified into various kinds in terms of the target audience they address. Children programmes, women programmes, youth programmes, students programmes and programmes for senior citizens and rural listeners etc.
  A common and established classification of radio programmes is to categorize them in terms of various formats such as drama, talk and discussion etc. Radio programme formats are well familiar to both the programme makers and the audience; hence names of formats are announced as such. Sometimes at a radio station separate programme section are established and production staff is assigned there e.g. Drama Section. Music Section, talk section etc. The programmes are planned, produced and presented with efforts to create a novelty in style.  The three types of programme classification are often referred to the literature and broadcast practice. In real practice, however, all these types of programmes are often studied in a natural sequence according to the demands of target area.
 Other kinds of programmes are as follows:-
 Radio talk is written in simple day to day spoken language. Talks are often planned in series but there could be some stray talks according to the need of time or emergency. The radio talk probably is the oldest format on radio. There has been a tradition in India and Britain to invite experts or prominent persons to speak for 10 or 15 minutes on a specific topic. These talks have to go through a process of being changed into radio’s spoken word style. Over the years, these long radio talks have become unpopular. Instead, today, shorter duration talks are broadcast. Of course, you can listen to these talks only on public service broadcasting stations.
 It is most important and widely used format of radio broadcasters, as people like listening to the people talking with each other. There is another type of interview based programme. Here generally just one or two questions are put across to ordinary people or people with knowledge on some current topic to measure public opinion. For example when the general budget or the railway budget is presented in the parliament, people representing radios go out and ask the general public about their opinion. Their names and identity may not be asked. Such programmes are called ‘vox pop’ which is a Latin phrase meaning’ voice of people’.
 Being an interactive form of oral communication is a suitable format for radio. To exchange our ideas thoughts with fellow human beings, it is the most ancient the most effective natural and spontaneous vehicle. Like talks and interview radio discussion is also an indigenous format of the sound medium. Following are the types of discussions:-
 Panel Discussion Forum Discussion Audience participation discussion Symposium
 Dramas are now days is diverting to television. Because its now commercialized and visualized. To write a radio drama is very difficult because there are no visual no characters. And to attract the listeners the tactful writing material should be available. Now days different NGOs sponsors the informative dramas on radio, otherwise this type is now decreases in radio. A Radio drama or a radio play is like any other play staged in a theatre or a hall. The only difference is that while a stage play has actors, stage, sets, curtains, properties movement and live action, a radio play has only 3 components. They are the human voice, music and sound effects. Radio of course uses its greatest strength for producing radio plays and that is the power of imagination and suggestively. For example, if you want to have ascene in a radio play of a north Indian marriage, you don’t have all physical arrangements made. All that you have to do is to use a bright tune on the shehnai and excited voices of people to create in a listeners’ imagination, a wedding scene. The voice of the actors, music and sound effects can create any situation in a radio play.
 It is a interprets real life situation programme. It is basically a programme which presents various aspects of topic fact or subject objectively.
  It is the most favourite kind of radio. Now days the main aim behind the radio is to play music for listeners, during music the broadcaster plays commercials and earns money. When we say radio, the first thing that comes to our mind is music. So music is the main stay in radio. There is no radio without music. Music is used in different ways on radio. There are programmes of music and music is also used in different programmes. These include signature tunes, music used as effects in radio plays and features. India has a great heritage of music and radio in India reflects that. Let us understand the different types of music.